
Our Sun is waking up and entering a period of hyper activity that is expected to last for many years.  Powerful burst of electromagnetic energy a...

NASA Launches Mission to Prevent 'Internet Apocalypse'

The looming catastrophe has alarmed scientists.

Since 2019 the number of UFO sighting has skyrocketed and evidence of its existence is becoming extraordinaire

Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) have access to Earth through wormholes, some of which are present in active volcanoes. According to a...

In the late 1980s, the small town of Gulf Breeze, Florida, became the epicenter of a series of strange and unexplained sightings. People repo...

The latest data collected by the Goddard Space Flight Center suggests that asteroids ...

A bone-chilling mass graveyard containing headless skeletons and “anti-vampire” items has been unearthed in northern Poland amid ...

On Sunday afternoon, at around 3:20 p.m., huge masses of rock broke off from the north-western flank of the southern Flüchthorn massif.

Parts of Nevada are being overrun by an explosion of flightless, ground-dwelling cannibalistic insec...